Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hunger… and BAD breath!

Today is the first day that I woke up STARVING and actually really hungry since surgery… prior to surgery I always woke up very hungry and first thing I did when I woke up was breakfast. I gulped down my liquid vitamin crystals then drank 6 oz of a protein shake which took the edge off, but doing all liquid for another week is going to be tough :/ Nonetheless I am going to stick to it (mostly for fear of stretching/damaging my new stomach). Something I have also noticed over the last week is that my breath is super stinky from being in ketosis… from a lack of carbs and being on all liquid my body is burning fat into a chemical called ketones which make your breath and urine smell awful! This wasn't an issue the past week as I was either in the hospital or at home, but tonight I have to go to class :/ I will be heavily armed with sugar free mints!

I don't have class until 6:30pm tonight but think that I am going to head to campus early and get a jump start on some projects I have due soon… I am hoping that being out and about on campus will keep my mind off wanting food (versus sitting around at home constantly thinking about it!). I am also excited to go to work tomorrow… The wonderful family I nannied for over the course of last year moved too far away to commute to so I started with another amazing family this past January who has a 7 month old baby boy named Ravi. He is ADORABLE and I have missed him the last week and a half! I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I am also going to get on the scale again tomorrow morning to see my progress! Wish me luck ;)


1 comment:

  1. Good luck, and yes, keeping busy is a good strategy!


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