Tuesday, July 8, 2014

River Tubing Adventures and Reality Check

Hi all!
Another great week… proud to report I am another 2.5 pounds down from last week, woohoo! I have been wearing my fitbit again which has helped me get motivated to take more steps each day and continued to journal. This past weekend I went river tubing with my fiancé and my best friend and her boyfriend, which was TOTALLY CRAZY/NUTS, fun, scary, and a great workout. We went tubing on the Saint Vrain River (which was supposed to be much less crazy and intense than the Boulder Creek according to a guy we talked to at a raft shop in Boulder), but it was really intense… there was a lot of debris such as tree branches and rocks and it is certainly very difficult to steer without a paddle… you literally have to use your entire body to steer! It started out fun (albeit intense), then my poor fiancé nagged his foot on a stump and hurt himself and had to get out. The rest of us tubed down to where we left my car so that we could pick him up as soon as possible to treat his injury, and luckily we were unscathed other than a bunch of bruises and scratches. Won't be doing that again any time soon, but at least it was an adventure!
Getting pumped up to go tubing… little did we know it was going to be super crazy/intense!
Giant bruise on my bum from tubing
My poor fiancé's foot super swollen

One thing I was reminded of this week (because no one is perfect), is you mess up and eat what you are not supposed to, and you WILL pay the price. I was a dum dum and waited too long to eat on sunday, so I made a poor food choice and got a mini pizza hut pizza from a drive thru and attempted to scarf it down…Needless to say, it got seriously stuck in my band and was incredibly painful… I ended up throwing the few bites I got in right back up. A severe reminder to stay on the straight and narrow!

Anyway, I started my summer class this week and will continue to pack snacks and lunch so that I will not make poor choices. I was able to get in some laps tonight which was nice, and will go for a walk with the baby I nanny for tomorrow because I work 7am until 3pm then I have class from 3:30pm until 9:30pm. I am also really excited because I am putting down the deposit/officially setting the date and venue for my wedding next year this weekend :). Many positive things to come!


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