Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Awareness, motivation, and... Hair loss!?

Hello friends! This week has been full of realizations and motivation for me... YES I am insanely happy I have been having such success with my band, BUT there are a few things I have not been 100 percent on all the time and I need to be! A few examples... I MUST get between 60-80 grams of protein per day, and sometimes I don't always make the cut because I making food choices that I want, not necessarily what I NEED. Also, I am not supposed to have anything to drink with food or for 30 minutes after I eat a meal, but I lately have been bad about doing that... I used to just take little sips of water with food which was OK, but now that I sometimes flat out drink when I eat, it can push food through faster and defeat the purpose of the lapband (and it's YOU ARE FULL NOW powers!). Lastly, I constantly forget to take all of my vitamins everyday... yes its a drag, but I HAVE to do it to stay healthy and get all the nutrients I need!

So, yes, it is a bummer I have been lagging on these things, but at least I  honest with myself and am aware... from now on going to make a significant effort to change these things :) I had strep throat last week and seem to have some kind of cold now, so I have not been in the pool for a while which is such a bummer :( However, I have been walking outside or going for short hikes for exercise instead. I will probably get back in in a few days once this damn cold subsides!! My boss Linda is in China this week so I am with Cody (the boy I nanny) 24/7 except for when he is in school until late friday night, so I have to work out when he is in school (or make him walk his dogs with me when he gets out of school in the afternoon:).

On another note, before surgery I was warned that significant hair loss/thinning is a pretty typical side effect of lapband surgery (and most surgeries apparently), even 5 months down the road. I have not really had an issue with this until recently I have noticed that my hair seems to be coming out alot more than normal in the shower and in my brush :( It is only temporary/will grow back (and not noticeable to anyone but me) but I thought I would put it out there for other bandsters who read my blog to read about.

Lastly, as far as weight loss goes, I have lost 1 pound this week WOOHOO! I am going to keep on trucking, and hopefully change those few things I mentioned at the top so that I can be a super bandster :) Hope everyone is well!


  1. Sweetheart,just keep working on the boring path. It will be worth it in the long run. Everyone is with you. XXX000Grandma P.

  2. Congrats continue on your progress. One day at a time and you are getting to where you want to be. So don't drink liquids with the meal, and take your vitamins and make sure you get enough protein. :)


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