Monday, June 11, 2012

Eventful Weekend, Another Pound Down, New Photos, and a Video of Me Diving!!

I had quite an interesting weekend! On Friday, I spent the whole day at the pool with Cody (the kiddo I nanny) which was really fun :) We created this sort of "racing" game which is really quite fun (and burns some calories too!) where we race from different points of the pool and back.

Luckily I had a great afternoon, because working later that night at Mimi's was HORRIBLE! I have been having some issues with the night manager... I have always been nothing but nice to her and she has always sort of picked on me/singled me out and made me feel like I didn't belong at Mimi's. I have never had any issues with the rest of the staff or managers and LOVED working at Mimi's in the morning, but ever since summer started and Cody has been out of school, I have had to work nights during the week which means I am stuck with the night manager :/ I was trying to ignore her antics/remarks/attitude, but Friday night she crossed an unacceptable line! I had been with Cody all day already (8am-5pm), and was only supposed to work at Mimi's 5:00pm to 8:30pm, but the night manager suddenly decided she wanted me to help close. This was a problem for me because I was scheduled to open the next day at Mimi's at 6:30 am and needed to go home and get some rest!! One of my co-workers graciously stepped in and said she would happily close because she did not have to work on Saturday and I thought I was off the hook until the night manager shot her down and said "No, I want Caroline to close". There was absolutely no reason for this!

Then she made me do all sorts of side work that is typically the ACTUAL closers' duties... I was working on it when one of the cooks asked me a question and the night manager decided to SCREAM at me for talking at all when my work wasn't "completely finished". I was appalled by her behavior (as were the customers at one of my tables!!) and could not believe the way she treated me... It is ironic as well because she ALWAYS has friends come visit her while she is working and treats them to free food and talks all night and never does anything. I laughed in her face, finished my side work, checked out, and started to head home at 11:00pm. I was still fuming and 20 minutes later the night manager called me and accused me of talking about her to other employees and not only cursed me out, but told me that everyone hates me at Mimi's. Real mature, huh?! I told her I quit and needless to say did not show up at Mimi's the next day. I was actually pretty surprised none of the other managers called me to find out where I was/why I didn't show up, but I am assuming the night manager already talked to them. I decided I am not going to let her behavior slide and am going in on Wednesday to talk to the general manager about her behavior and explain why I did not come in on Saturday. I am pretty sure I am done with Mimi's at this point, but if I could salvage my position and maybe just work weekends when the night manager is not there, maybe it could work. If not, I am not hearbroken... I refused to be treated like garbage! The extra money has been nice, but my happiness means WAY more than money ever will :)

Anyway, back to the good stuff! Saturday night Steve and I went down to Denver for the evening to celebrate my 50lb weight loss and see the movie "Moonrise Kingdom". I wore a skirt that has not fit me in almost 2 years, and it was a little BIG on me! Felt incredible :)
We ate at this awesome Mexican food place called "Bluebonnet Cafe" which was delicious, and I treated myself to a "skinny" margarita made of pure lime juice, tequila, water, and a hint of soda water. I was one happy gal! I can definitely feel more restriction with the recent fill which is nice and keeps me in control. I only ate about half a taco, but it was a delicious treat! 
We went to the movie afterwards and it was pretty good... it is a Wes Anderson film and is only playing at one theatre in the whole state of Colorado which is odd. I was hoping to possibly go camping Sunday night, but unfortunately a terrible wildfire started right in the area I was going to camp in (Cache La Poudre Canyon near Fort Collins) which still isn't contained I believe :( Very sad. I spent the day with Steve at the pool instead and he took a video of me doing a pike one and a half off the 3m (high dive) board! The quality is terrible, but you can still see me doing it :) All the little kids cheered afterwards which felt good!

Cody's Mom is flying to Paris this week so I am with him 24/7 until Thursday... it is kind of fun that it is summer though because we can hang out at the pool, catch a movie, go to the park, etc... because we don't have a schedule to keep! Since I won't be home, I weighed myself today and weighed in at 267 which makes 3 pounds since last week... yay! I didn't have to be at Cody's house until 6pm today so I spent most of it at the pool again splashing around and swimming laps... I love swimming outdoors SOO much better than swimming indoors... really makes it more fun! 

Here is a picture from the concert I went to with Keren June 1st that I finally snagged off of her phone 

Last thing I will leave everyone with is a comparison photo... The photo on the left is me at my heaviest weight ever (318lbs!!) in late January, and the photo on the right is from Saturday night (June 9th) 50lbs lighter at 268lbs. Hooray! I love seeing results... it just motivates me even more to stay on track and keep on working hard!


  1. Caroline! I am so proud of you! You look FABULOUS! Come to Texas and Michael and I will treat you to the other half of that taco!!!! Might even throw in half an enchilada! LOL! Love you girl!!!!!


  2. Thank you so much Kathy! I hope you are enjoying your trip... I have loved looking at your photos on facebook :) I am coming to Texas July6th for a week... will you and Michael be around? I would love to see you both!


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