Friday, June 8, 2012

Great Doc Appt. and OFFICIALLY 50 POUNDS DOWN!!

YAAY! Went to the doc yesterday for my second fill and weighed in at 269.1, then weighed in at 268 this morning which means 50 POUNDS DOWN! I am so happy :) My doc said I am way ahead of schedule because on average, lapband patients lose 50 pounds in a year and I have done so in 2 and a half months woohooo. Doc put 1.2 cc more of saline in my band and it was actually really painful this time because he had a very hard time getting the needle in... apparently my port is a bit "tilted". Luckily he eventually got the needle in and it was over! Doc said that this amount (6.2 cc total) should be good in my band, but that if I wasn't feeling enough restriction that I could come back in another month and get a bit more saline added.

Also good news is that my BMI is no longer considered "Morbidly Obese"... I am now under a BMI of 40 which puts me just in the "Obese" category. Not out of the woods yet, but I am getting there! Cannot wait to have a bmi considered normal or healthy :) Anyway, I have a full day of nannying and then Mimi's tonight and tomorrow morning, but will write more later!


  1. Congrats. You've done an amazing job! Any tips for the newbie?

  2. Thanks Colleen! My first piece of advice is listen to your body! I used to just eat eat eat whenever and for whatever reason, now I eat when I am HUNGRY and I stop when I feel full (I didn't used to feel full, but the band now gives me a stopping point/full feeling). Also, keep with it everyday! Try to exercise whenever you can, whether it is parking in the far corner of the parking lot at the store or splashing around in the pool for a bit... Lastly, don't get frustrated with yourself and your body! You will have great days/weeks and other days/weeks you won't lose as much or you might mess up... just know that it HAPPENS and it is a part of life! The lapband is not meant to be a diet, but a life change that you can live with :) Just keep going, keep motivated, and talk with your support system whether it be your friends, family, or other lapbanders. I am always here if you need to talk or want any advice Colleen!


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