Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fun in the Sun, Photo Update, AND another 4 pounds down!

WOOHOO... Weigh in this morning was 270 which is 4 pounds down from last week :) I could not be happier! All of my hard work, self control, and exercise is paying off and just drives me to work harder :)

 I had a great day today and spent most of it at the pool with Cody the boy I nanny... we splashed around for almost 4 hours at this awesome pool near my house. I had never been to this pool before and it was HUGE and had two fast water slides AND a 3 meter board (for those of you who don't know I was on a diving team as a child and LOVE the high dive). Amazingly enough, I can still do most of the dives I used to do when I was on the team! I did a pike one and a half, a back dive, inward tuck, etc... It was hilarious because all of these little kids kept high fiving me. It was a beautiful day out too so it was nice to be outside for most of it. I look forward to spending many afternoons there this summer.

Next week my boss will be in Paris so I will be with Cody 24/7 Monday through Thursday night, but she is going to pay for Cody and I to go to WaterWorld (this awesome HUGE waterpark) so that will be fun. I am also going to try to go camping sometime this weekend if it works out.

Took some update "biggest loser style" pictures tonight but for some reason only one is loading from my phone? Here is the picture that loaded, and I will update this post tomorrow with the other two as well as create a "comparison" pics :) Gnite!

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