Monday, June 4, 2012

Next Fill on Thursday

So I didn't get to go camping after all because I had to help a friend with an emergency :(, but still went to the Bassnectar concert which was a BLAST!! Keren and I were a sorry sight the next day at breakfast... we danced so hard all night we were exhausted/muscles ached/dragging ass! Great night however :) I will post pics once I get them from Keren's phone.

Working at Mimi's Cafe has been great as far as the extra cash flow, but they keep messing up my schedule and scheduling me to work when I have to be nannying which is frustrating... then when I tell them I can't be there that shift (even after I have given my manager MULTIPLE copies of my availability etc) they expect me to figure it out of get it covered. Also, they have been very strict/weird about people taking days/time off... When I mentioned yesterday that I would be gone for two weeks in early July to go to florida and texas to visit family they told me they probably couldn't give me the time off! That is too bad for them because my trip is already booked... not only that but I only work part time a few days a week and am giving them plenty of notice! Also, there are certain days I need to work late nannying and cannot work at Mimi's but if there is already one person that has requested that date off at all, there is "no guarantee" I will get it off :/ We will see what happens I guess!

I am pretty stoked because my boyfriend recently found an incredible new lean pocket flavor... artichoke spinach chicken!! SOOO tasty and only 240 calories. Definitely my new favorite lunch item! I am getting my second fill on Thursday which is exciting... I am happy to show my doc how much weight I have lost since my last fill! My hunger gauge has been right on par and I can literally feel exactly when I am full now which has helped tremendously... with this second fill it will be even better :) Right now I have about 4.5 cc of saline in my band and on Thursday they will bump it up to about 7.5 cc of saline.

The weather is absolutely beautiful and I look forward to hanging out at the pool and hopefully camping soon. Will post my weight update and new pics tomorrow!!

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