Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another Pound Down! And Fiber Gummies :)

Sorry for the late weight update/post, I have been a busy busy worker bee! Unfortunately, I only lost a pound last week :/ I was upset about this so I called my nutritionist for a bit and we came up with some reasons why this may be... First of all, I did not get in a lot of actual exercise last week (because I was nannying overnight all week) and even though I am on my feet waitressing, my body apparently adapts to this after a few weeks (which it has been) and I don't burn as many calories waiting tables as I did at first. Secondly, since I have recently hit the 40lb drop mark, I may be hitting a small plateau... She said to try changing up my workout routines like adding in weights a day or two a week and change up my calories more often (such as 1200 cals one day, 1400 the next, then back to 1000 etc...). Even though I am kinda bummed about only losing an additional pound this week, I am still pleased to see that the scale is moving in the right direction and I know that I am doing my best. I will push through this little hump by trying some of the things my nutritionist said and hopefully will lose more next week!

SOO I know this is a bit TMI, but I need to put it out there because this blog is not only for my friends and family, but for fellow lapbanders and those thinking about lapband in the future. Since I have had lapband, I have felt constantly "stopped up", only have a bowel movement every three days or so! I was drinking benefiber everyday, but didn't feel much of an improvement. FINALLY I found something that seems to be helping though! I found these fiber gummy supplements at Target and I am now having much more regular bowel movements (every other day). Thank goodness!

Anyway, I am enjoying the beautiful weather outside and eagerly anticipating the opening of the outdoor pool near my house. I love swimming indoors, but it is so much  better to be outside enjoying the sunshine :) I am working all weekend again but luckily have all next week off from nannying. Cody will graduate from 5th grade tomorrow (wow!) which is awesome... I am so proud of him. I am also really happy because his Mom is moving him to a public school next year for middle school! This will be great because he has been going to a charter school that has not been much help nor had the resources to help with some of his learning disabilities. I am so glad he will be able to get a fresh start and hopefully teachers that will make more of an effort to help him next year!

I worked at Mimi's today and am nannying right now, but will go to swim class tonight at 8 which I look forward to. Will post more later!!

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