Monday, April 16, 2012

Burning the Midnight Oil

As you all can see, I have gotten more "blog savy" and changed it up quite a bit as far as adding background and photos etc... It is alot harder than I thought! I wish I could remember all the HTML stuff from high school... lol Anyway, I had a pretty good weekend overall :) I went to a noon swim class on Friday that was taught by a different teacher and it was really fun! It was nice to do such a different routine and experience a new teacher. She totally kicked my butt and my legs were pretty darn sore all weekend (a sign of a great workout!). On Saturday, I wore JEANS for the first time in almost 2 months which felt amazing... I had stopped wearing them because I didn't have any that fit and refused to buy larger ones since I was about to have surgery. Now they fit again... YAY. What a wonderful feeling to actually SEE results :)
I took Saturday off from working out (partially because I overslept and missed the 9am swim class... OOPS) and enjoyed the day with my best friend Keren in Boulder. I have been having a really hard time getting all my liquid in (64oz a day) :/ I think this is because I never really kept myself very hydrated before surgery, and when I did drink liquid it was usually when I ate (which I now can't do!). I bought a few water bottles and have really been trying to keep one in my purse, car, etc... so that I always have something to drink/remind me to drink. This is definitely something I still need to work on though!

I also got the call that I got the job as a server at Mimi's Cafe on Saturday which is awesome! I start training this week and will be working one or two night shifts a week (after I get off nannying) and a few weekend shifts. I am so glad I got the job because I have worked there before so they won't have to train me all that much. This week is going to be absolutely CRAZY though because I am with Cody 24/7 while he isn't at school because his Mom is flying to London AND I will be training during the times when Cody is at school. This means I will barely be home at all this week and a busy busy bee! It will be totally worth it though. Today I went out and got all the stuff for my uniform at Mimi's... black button down dress shirt, black non-slip shoes, and a tie of my choice :) I was hoping to find a Grateful Dead tie, but I settled for a hot pink tie I found at Ross for now. 

My blisters have healed and I went walking today for a bit, but the weather was rather nasty so I cut it shorter than I would have liked. My new wide walking shoes are great!! However, I came home and my port site was really bothering me again... even though I am taking antibiotics for the infection, the incision site came open a bit and is looking really awful. I called my doc and he said that that is just the infection working its way out of my body and that it will close up soon, however this also means I can't swim again until it heals and dries over :( Just when I was getting back into swimming!! But no point risking infecting the site even more with chlorine... I will just have to walk this week. Hopefully I can get Cody to walk with me since I will have very little free time to do so on my own this week!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :)

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